This is such a fascinating post! Im really looking forward to your book.

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Very interesting, thank you. As the world gets warmer, this calendar may become relevant to countries farther North.

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So interesting to read about a precursor to the Eleusinian Mysteries! Thank for sharing this calendar with all of us!

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You're quite welcome! Later in the year, at the appropriate date, I'll share more about our interpretation of the Minoan version of the Mysteries.

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What an incredible calendar! I just love it and it feels so relevant and more relatable honestly. And the Blessing of the Ships - so much like the Isidis Navigatum of Isis - any connection? Thanks for educating us all about this....

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The Blessing of the Ships is very similar to the Isidis Navigatum. In fact, the Isidis Navigatum, which dates to the Roman era, may derive from earlier Mediterranean festivals like the original Minoan version of the Blessing of the Ships.

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