Tarot readers joke about cards stalking them. But when one turns up repeatedly, it’s usually a sign to pay attention to a larger-scale process.
I draw cards every Monday for the upcoming week. This is the fifth time since late last October that the Two of Horns has shown up in one of these weekly readings.
Unless you live under a rock, you’re already aware that we’re living in “interesting times.” Lots of aspects of the Big World are shifting around, and that’s making life challenging for us ordinary folx.
But the Two of Horns isn’t about those Big World changes. It’s about movement and change in our daily lives, our ordinary existence.
That’s a whole different level.
These shifts in our own lives certainly don’t make it any easier to deal with the roller-coaster that the Big World is on right now.
Given the underlying meaning of the Two of Horns, I have to think that the changes these cards point to will eventually help us back onto level ground in our daily lives. The Two of Horns is about change, yes, but it’s also a promise that we’ll find a new equilibrium once the change is complete.
I did a little meditation about this “stalker card” and was pointed to the eclipse cycles. When I looked up eclipse dates, I noticed that the first time the Two of Horns showed up was about a week after a solar eclipse whose path crossed the US, where I’m located.
I have the sense that this cycle of personal-life change will culminate in the upcoming solar eclipse in April. I’m outside the viewing area for it, but it still crosses a huge swath of my country - during an election year, no less. I’m sure there will be worldwide energetic reverberations.
So in the meantime, let’s all do our best to maintain balance in this shifting situation. There is a rhythm to the energetic change, like the rocking of a boat on the waves. So let’s work on getting our sea legs, and we’ll still be standing when this cycle comes to an end.
The details of the cards:
Two of Horns: Ch-ch-change! Things are shifting again, not necessarily in a world-altering way, but certainly in a way that brings new aspects to daily life. There may be losses (at least, they may feel that way at the time) but there will also be gains. Allow yourself to go with the flow, because ultimately, this is about rearranging things the way they need to be.
Ace of Daggers: You've been restless and dissatisfied. Now the change you've been hoping for is finally happening. Let your inner fire kindle as you contemplate the new way forward. Let it forge a fresh path that satisfies your passion, creativity, and spirituality.
The Minoan Tarot is an 86-card deck I created, with art I drew and painted by hand in the style of the ancient Minoan frescoes. The court cards are gender balanced, and the deck comes in a beautiful box along with a full-color 176-page companion book. The Minoan Tarot website offers photos of many of the cards as well as more details about the deck. It took me three years to create the artwork for the deck; I hope it offers you a lifetime of enjoyment!
To me the 2 of horns doesn't refer to external changes beyond our control, but to choices we have to make in order to progress. The Ace of Swords is about inspiration and new ideas, so again I feel we're in charge of our way forward. Seen this way the cards are actually encouraging - in my opinion.